Free Bitmap Font Editor (.FON Files)?? GDNet Lounge Community. Started by Extrarius August 04, 2004 09:59 PM. 3 comments, last by Extrarius 16 years, 3. BitFonter is a professional bitmap font editor for Windows (with limited capabilities to run on macOS up to 10.14 Mojave as well, not on 10.15 Catalina). With BitFonter, you can create and edit bitmap fonts for print publications, web pages, animations, computer games and electronic devices.

( Depends of Editon : BASIC , STANDARD ( full software) orExtended
Native easy to install Windows software application
Monochrome GLCD
2,4,5 * and 16 bpp grayscale (2,16,32 and 256 gray shades) GLCD
16 Colors (4bpp) GLCD
4096 Colors (12bpp * ) GLCD
252k (18bpp * ) GLCD
* packed and unpacked data
Dot matrix sizes up to 1024 x 768, supports BMP,JPEG,PNG,ICO,TIFF,GIF animation
Easy conversion of color images to black/white with treshold level trackbar slider or Dithering
Floyd Steinberg , Nearest, Stucki, Sierra, JaJuNi, Steve Arche, Burkes
Font Gen : Font specific Kerning pairs Table export to code
Font Gen : Selectable international ANSI Codepage
Font Gen : Under Dev > Import Lists of Chars from an Excel Table (Widechars)

Bitmap Font Editor Free

GLCD.c Library Vector Design and Programming [LINK]

Bitmap font creatorFont
Generate GLCD Data arrays full screen, part of screen, screen subdivision
Data to text file, Intel Hex File, Binary File, 8,16 and 32 bit format
GLCD DATA COMPRESSION (monochrome only) [LINK]
Imports Data Arrays of source files and convert data to bitmap inside the Work Canvas (monochrome only) [LINK]
GLCD Font Editor / Creator / Generator , Import and convert system fonts, edit and generate system or Editable fonts (<= 256 colors), create fonts from scratch

Easy graphical Touch Panel / Touch Screen regions programming (resolution 8,10 or 12, 16 and 24 bit ) [LINK]
Serial Communication Terminal ( Virtual Comport, USB to RS232 )

Bitmap Font Editor Free Photoshop

Easy settings for output of data array for C , Pascal, Basic or assembler codes, the development tool you use for your favorite embedded system. Whole Animation is converted to GLCD data in one single run.

Automatic Text Search and Replace , Text and Graphic Batch Processing features ...

Bitmap Font Creator

Monochrome, Grayscale, Color

Hi there! Here you can find good desktop application for drawing monochrome bitmap fontsdedicated for embedded systems which have some kind of low-resolution displays. For example, LEDmatrices. By the way you may see them on a street in a form of various small information tables.Let's say, a table with next station name in a bus.

When you open the application (further - 'Editor'), you see something looking likeon a figure 1. You can load some font in specific SGFED format (link for a sample 8x8 font - below) or drawit from scratch. Or even render it from any system font currently installed. The simplest instrument for drawingof course is a pencil working pixel-by-pixel. Other instruments offer an option to move and stretch arbitraryregions on a drawing canvas (left side of the main window). And placing monochrome bitmap image onto acanvas.

Most interesting thing is an ability to export created font into a binary or text data blob acceptable forusage in an embedded system. There is a comprehensive exporting procedure with many options inside Editor.Moreover Editor can be driven from scripts to get values of separate symbols and their pixels in caseif the exporting procedure's opportunities are not enough for your purposes.

32-bit installer for Windows - Direct Download.

Sample 8x8 font - Direct Download.

The application was written originally for 32-bit Windows 98/XP in 2004-2005. Visual Studio 2003 withMFC toolkit was used in those days. Recently in 2019 I've spent some time to make refactoring andimprovement and rebuild it under fresh Visual Studio 2017 for recent versions of Windows (debuggedunder Windows 7). Despite my current position regarding MFCit's still there and the app is not cross-compiled under other operation systems. But I've checkedit under 'Wine' compatibility layer in Linux and it looks fine.

Bitmap Font Editor Free Version

You are welcome to write me, Vyacheslav Grigoryev, about any found bugs or possible further improvements. Please use on this domain.Or contact with me by any means described in Editor's help, 'Introduction' page.The only thing which I need to mention is that the program is free software. I get no fee for it. So will work onimprovements if I have a passion. But fixing bugs has higher priority for me.

Bitmap Font Tool
