PAYDAY 2 is an action-packed, four-player co-op shooter that once again lets gamers don the masks of the original PAYDAY crew – Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains – as they descend on Washington DC for an epic crime spree. The Restoration Mod is a mod for Payday 2 that handles various aspects of the game. It helps restores and improves many aspects of the game, and you can configure each of them via the options menu. Because of the size and complexity of the mod, you need to install other mods in order for it to run.
Copy&Paste this into Script.lua
It is the new version, in which it will not crash when you are done with a day.
-Infinite Saw
-Infinite Sentry Health
-Infinite Pagers
-All weapons
-Infinite Cables
-No detect ( They will detect you, but will not call police. )
-Infinite Equipment ( Ammo, Doc bags, Sentries, C4, ECM )
Payday 2 Hacks-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if managers.hud then
managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'Executed script.lua' } )
-- ammo
player:inventory():set_ammo( 1.0 )
if not _fireSaw then
function SawWeaponBase:fire( from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
_fireSaw( self, from_pos, direction, dmg_mul, shoot_player, spread_mul, autohit_mul, suppr_mul, target_unit )
if managers.player:player_unit() self._setup.user_unit then
for i=1, 7 do
-- weapon mods
for mod_id,_ in pairs(tweak_data.blackmarket.weapon_mods) do
tweak_data.blackmarket.weapon_mods[ mod_id ].unlocked = true
managers.blackmarket:add_to_inventory('normal', 'weapon_mods', mod_id, false)
-- Infinite sentry ammo, no recoil, left the weapon spread in because sentries have a tough time killing if they shoot in one spot
function SentryGunWeapon:fire( blanks, expend_ammo )
local fire_obj = self._effect_align[ self._interleaving_fire ]
local direction = fire_obj:rotation():y()
mvector3.spread( direction, tweak_data.weapon[ self._name_id ].SPREAD * self._spread_mul )
World:effect_manager():spawn( self._muzzle_effect_table[ self._interleaving_fire ] ) -- , normal = col_ray.normal } )
World:effect_manager():spawn( self._shell_ejection_effect_table )
local ray_res = self:_fire_raycast( from_pos, direction, blanks )
RaycastWeaponBase._check_alert( self, ray_res.rays, from_pos, direction, self._unit )
return ray_res
-- Sentry god mode
function SentryGunDamage:damage_bullet( attack_data ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:on_successful_alarm_pager_bluff() end
if managers.hud then
managers.lootdrop:debug_drop( 1000, true, i )
if not _rmSpecial then
function PlayerManager:remove_special( name ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:_clbk_switch_enemies_to_not_cool() end
function PlayerMovement:on_suspicion( observer_unit, status ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:on_criminal_suspicion_progress( u_suspect, u_observer, status ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:criminal_spotted( unit ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:report_aggression( unit ) end
function PlayerMovement:on_uncovered( enemy_unit ) end
function SecurityCamera:_sound_the_alarm( detected_unit ) end
function SecurityCamera:_set_suspicion_sound( suspicion_level ) end
function SecurityCamera:clbk_call_the_police() end
function CopMovement:anim_clbk_police_called( unit ) end
function CopLogicArrest._upd_enemy_detection( data ) end
function CopLogicArrest._call_the_police( data, my_data, paniced ) end
function CopLogicIdle.on_alert( data, alert_data ) end
function CopLogicBase._get_logic_state_from_reaction( data, reaction )
function GroupAIStateBase:sync_event( event_id, blame_id ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:on_police_called( called_reason ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:on_police_weapons_hot( called_reason ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:on_gangster_weapons_hot( called_reason ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:on_enemy_weapons_hot( is_delayed_callback ) end
function GroupAIStateBase:_clbk_switch_enemies_to_not_cool() end
if managers.hud then
managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'Executed script.lua' } )
for i=1, 7 do
PlayerDamage.get_real_armor = function(self)
function PlayerManager:remove_equipment_possession( peer_id, equipment ) end
PlayerStandard._get_walk_headbob = function(self) return 0 end
PlayerStandard._can_stand = function(self) return true end
PlayerManager.remove_equipment = function(self, equipment_id) end
PlayerManager.selected_equipment_deploy_timer = function(self) return 0 end
PlayerManager.chk_minion_limit_reached = function(self) return false end
PlayerManager.spread_multiplier = function(self) return 0 end
PlayerMovement.is_stamina_drained = function(self) return false end
PlayerStandard._can_run_directional = function(self) return true end
BaseInteractionExt._has_required_upgrade = function(self) return true end
BaseInteractionExt._has_required_deployable = function(self) return true end
BaseInteractionExt._get_timer = function(self) return 0 end
BaseInteractionExt.can_interact = function(self, player) return true end -- money
-- Message on screen
managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'LUA script loaded! Complete the mission to see effect.' } )
managers.skilltree:_set_points(1000) -- skill points
-- Message on screen
managers.hud:show_hint( { text = 'LUA script loaded! Complete the mission to see effect.' } )
local wep_arr = {
if not managers.upgrades:aquired(name) then
--Fast Drilling
function TimerGui:_set_jamming_values() return end
timer = 0.01
self:_set_jammed( false )
if not self._powered then
if then 'start_timer_gui', self._unit, timer )